Cybersecurity for Managers: A Playbook
Cybersecurity for Managers: A Playbook
Course Dates | Format | Duration | Time Commitment | Price |
Mar 20-May 8, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 4-6 hrs/wks | $2,950 |
Jun 19-Aug 7, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 4-6 hrs/wks | $2,950 |
Sep 11-Oct 30, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 4-6 hours/week | $2,950 |
Management and Leadership
Certificate Credits
2.0 EEUs
- Digital Business & IT
- Organizations & Leadership
- Strategy & Innovation
Course Highlights
- This course runs over 6 weeks with an estimated 6-8 hours per week of study time
- This course is delivered in our Self-Paced Online format which enables you to participate at your own pace within weekly modules
- You will learn through a variety of formats including: interactive videos, practice quizzes, presentations, assignments, and discussion forums
- You will have access to a Success Adviser who will help you manage your time, and support you with any administrative or technical queries you might have
- You will earn a certificate of course completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management
Course snapshot
Why attend Cybersecurity for Managers?
Minimizing cybercrime damage and disruption is not just the responsibility of the IT department; it’s every employee's job. There are managerial, strategic, and financial considerations in becoming cybersecure. This new online program helps you create a playbook with actionable next steps towards creating a more cyber-aware culture.
When a security breach happens, the disruption and damage can vary widely. But one thing is for certain: the effects ripple through the entire organization, often having significant operational and financial implications.
Creating a cybersecure organization is a necessary goal today. Decisions about cybersecurity have implications throughout your organization—not only for technology-focused teams, but for every team. Sophisticated phishing schemes, ransomware, and data breaches are on the rise, and their level of complexity is increasing. Therefore, all of us have a role to play in keeping our organization secure.
Based on our highly-rated in-person course, Cybersecurity Leadership for Non-Technical Executives, this online program will teach you:
- How to select and use the right frameworks to enhance cybersecurity decision-making in your organization
- How to assess risk, improve defenses, and reduce vulnerabilities in your organization
- How to speak the language of cybersecurity to enable informed conversations with your technology teams and colleagues, and ensure your organization is as cybersecure as possible
Learn more about the self-paced online experience.
Learn more about Emeritus technical requirements.
Applying to the course
Enrollment for this course is done through the Emeritus website. You can begin the application process by using the red Enroll Now bar at the bottom of the screen and clicking on the “Go to Emeritus Site” button.
Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.
Upon completion of the program, participants will be equipped with
- A framework that provides a strategic view of an organization’s cybersecurity risk management, including management mechanisms you can put in place immediately
- A playbook with actionable next steps for improving a culture of cyber awareness within your organization
- The language and vocabulary to support informed conversation with your CISO, CTO, and other technology leaders
- An appreciation of how decisions made by technologists may affect the business landscape within your organization
- An awareness of the leading approaches to managing cybersecurity, including 'defense in depth' and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework
- A practical interpretation of the tradeoffs between security and privacy, and a method for understanding your organization's priorities
Sample Schedule—Subject to Change
This online program is for business leaders, general managers, and executives looking to build an action plan for a more cyber resilient organization. Technology and business consultants and others acting as liaisons between technology and business units will also benefit.
Industry examples cited in the program include:
- Technology
- Financial services
- Insurance industry
- Manufacturing
- Retail
- Telecommunications
- Government organizations
We do not recommend this program to past participants of Cybersecurity Leadership for Non-Technical Executives unless you are looking for a refresher.
MIT Sloan Executive Education is collaborating with online education provider EMERITUS Institute of Management to offer a portfolio of high-impact online programs. By working with EMERITUS, MIT Sloan Executive Education is able to broaden access beyond on-campus offerings in a collaborative and engaging format that stays true to the quality of MIT Sloan and MIT as a whole.
EMERITUS’ approach to learning is based on a cohort-based design to maximize peer to peer sharing and includes live teaching with world-class faculty and hands-on project based learning. In the last year, more than 7,500 students from over 120+ countries have benefited professionally from EMERITUS’ courses.
Course Dates | Format | Duration | Time Commitment | Price |
Mar 20-May 8, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 4-6 hrs/wks | $2,950 |
Jun 19-Aug 7, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 4-6 hrs/wks | $2,950 |
Sep 11-Oct 30, 2025 | Self-Paced Online (date based) | 6 weeks | 4-6 hours/week | $2,950 |
Management and Leadership
Certificate Credits
2.0 EEUs
- Digital Business & IT
- Organizations & Leadership
- Strategy & Innovation