Business Implications of Extended Reality (XR): Harnessing the Value of AR, VR, Metaverse, and More

Business Implications of Extended Reality (XR): Harnessing the Value of AR, VR, Metaverse, and More

Item No. a054v00000rHDUAAA4
Course Dates Format Location Duration Time Commitment Price
Oct 16-17, 2025 In Person Cambridge, MA 2 days 7 hours/day $4,700


Digital Business

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Digital Business & IT

- Organizations & Leadership

- Strategy & Innovation

Course Highlights:

  • Delivered in a 4Dx virtual classroom enabling collaboration on practical applications of cutting-edge, extended reality (XR) technologies
  • Provides a practical exploration of these technologies and their business implications 
  • Engages you in a virtual hackathon to further explore the applications of AR, VR, mixed reality, 360 video, filters and other XR technologies
  • Applicable to executives, creatives, developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and any professional seeking to understand and explore the innovation opportunities provided by XR and Metaverse technologies
  • Earn a certificate of course completion from MIT Sloan Executive Education

New technologies and digital experiences are reshaping business as we speak—from applications of artificial intelligence in preoperative and intraoperative planning and robotic surgery to immersive work training using virtual reality to remote meetings and productivity spaces in the metaverse. This course provides a practical, immersive, hands-on introduction to the extended reality (XR) and metaverse technologies as they apply to organizations seeking to drive and sustain new value from these advancements and digital experiences.

As a participant in this course, you will learn key business implications and applications of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality, metaverse, virtual world, filter, 360 video, and other XR technology family members. World-renown faculty, guest speakers, and industry leaders will present their latest research and insights on topics as relevant and wide ranging as human and machine teamwork, social media, Web 3.0, NFTs, game theory, blockchain, and more. Content will also include conversations on the human, strategic, design, and ethical considerations of this technology as applied to business goals.

Course Experience

You will be guided through this course by MIT Sloan Senior Lecturer Paul McDonagh-Smith, an early pioneer in this space who has successfully invented and innovated with extended reality and metaverse technologies across multiple industries for more than 20 years.

Learning modules are delivered in MIT Sloan's 4Dx Virtual Collaboration Center, where you will explore key principles of extended reality discovery, design, development, and delivery from inside a unique virtual classroom. Throughout the course, you’ll have the chance to apply research-based frameworks and models to real world business opportunities and challenges. You will deepen your understanding of how XR and metaverse technologies can be used in your organizations and industries to create new value and sustainable competitive advantage today.

Given this is a program on extended reality, we want to give all participants an opportunity to experience an example of this technology firsthand. A portion of this Live Online program will take place in our 4Dx Virtual Collaboration Centre. We are requesting that you participate in a pre-program orientation session where we will walk you through the platform to provide a general understanding of how to feel comfortable moving and participating in the virtual space. During this training session, our staff will be available to help troubleshoot any limitations that may arise and to make for a much smoother transition from Zoom to the Virtual space when the actual program takes place. The training/orientation session will only be 30 minutes. You will receive further instructions on how to access the 4Dx Virtual Collaboration Centre as the program draws nearer.

No prior experience of working with XR or metaverse technologies is required. Simply come with a willingness to explore and experiment in ways that will help you evolve how you think, work, learn, communicate, and partner with XR and metaverse technologies in your teams and networks. 

Applying to the Course

Please note: The application deadline is 3 business days prior to course start. We accept enrollments until the offering reaches capacity at which point we will maintain a waitlist. This course tends to fill up several weeks in advance, so we advise that you enroll as early as possible to secure your seat.

You can begin the application process by using the red Enroll Now bar at the bottom of the screen.

Health and Safety

See our on campus healthy and safety policies.

Have Questions?

Contact us if you would like to speak with a program director or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions about our courses.

You will leave this course with frameworks, tools, and templates that can be applied immediately to your own business context, including:

  • Definition of metaverse, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and other members of the extended reality (XR) family of digital reality technologies available to our organizations today.
  • Shared vocabulary and digital language to communicate and collaborate inside and outside of our organizations on XR and metaverse opportunities.
  • Identification of key business applications and implications for each XR technology.
  • Proven applications of key XR and metaverse principles to real world business opportunities and challenges.
  • Analysis frameworks to select which XR technology to “hire” for what “job” and optimize performance and outcomes.
  • Evaluation models and metrics of value to measure performance of XR and metaverse technologies in your organizations and networks.
  • Personalized XR and metaverse playbook for use in your companies and networks.
  • Practical and hands-on experience of using XR and metaverse technologies firsthand that you can build upon in your teams and networks.
  • Exploration-based introduction to the business applications and implications of XR and metaverse technologies that will enable you to approach the opportunities and challenges of this exciting sector with new capabilities and confidence.

Sample Schedule—Subject to Change

  • Leaders and managers curious about, focused upon, or tasked with the introduction of XR and Metaverse technologies including augmented, virtual, and mixed reality experiences, products, and solutions into their teams, organizations, and networks.
  • Individual contributors, consultants, and creatives exploring opportunities for new business value creation with XR and metaverse technologies and their related business model approaches and strategies.
  • XR and metaverse designers and developers looking to communicate and translate the value of their work effectively to business audiences.
  • Entrepreneurial business professionals looking to understand and explore the innovation opportunities provided by XR and metaverse technologies today and into tomorrow.
Course Dates Format Location Duration Time Commitment Price
Oct 16-17, 2025 In Person Cambridge, MA 2 days 7 hours/day $4,700


Digital Business

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Digital Business & IT

- Organizations & Leadership

- Strategy & Innovation

Enroll Now!
