Building Organizational Resilience: A System Approach to Mitigating Risk and Uncertainty

Building Organizational Resilience: A System Approach to Mitigating Risk and Uncertainty

Item No. a056g00000URaadAAD
Course Dates Format Location Duration Time Commitment Price
Nov 12-13, 2024 In Person Cambridge, MA 2 days 8 hours/day $4,700


Technology and Operations

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Organizations & Leadership

- Systems Thinking

Course Highlights

  • Leave this organizational resilience course ready to implement a 90-day playbook for improving the resiliency of your organization
  • Learn how systems thinking and continuous improvement can help your team identify problems before they occur and fundamentally alter your organization’s ability to effectively respond when they do
  • Hear from guest speakers who are leaders in their industries
  • Earn a certificate of course completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management


Featured content


Why attend Building Organizational Resilience?

Our organizations- designed for optimal performance- work well under normal conditions but are vulnerable to failure when the unexpected occurs. How do we design systems that work efficiently under typical conditions, yet respond resiliently to “unknown unknowns”?  

Building Organizational Resilience provides business leaders with a practical approach to assess and build organizational resiliency. Learn how systems thinking and continuous improvement can help your team identify problems before they occur and fundamentally alter your organization’s ability to effectively respond when they do. Understand the role hidden factories and irregular operations play in contributing to catastrophic events, and how this knowledge can be leveraged to reverse their effects. Leave with a playbook for improving the resilience of your company.

Deepwater Horizon. The Flint water crisis. Boeing’s 737 Max. Notre Dame Cathedral. Cybersecurity breaches at Target. SolarWinds. What do these incidents have in common? As these scenarios evolved, the systems' response consistently lagged behind the incident, despite multiple opportunities for intervention.

Course Snapshot


Course experience

MIT’s perspective on mitigating organizational risk and managing uncertainty is rooted in real-world practice, systems thinking, and a focus on the human factors that drive suboptimal events and processes. This new organizational resilience course will help you think differently, and systematically, about real-time risk/reward Improvement.

Through faculty presentations, panel discussions case studies, interactive exercises, and small-group discussions, you will explore the importance of systems thinking, learn to identify and act on the warning signs of irregular operations, and understand the important roles that continuous improvement and organizational agility play in developing a more resilient organization.

You will leave this organizational resilience course ready to implement a 90-day playbook for improving the resiliency of your organization.

Learn more about the live online experience


Guest Speakers

Tony Brock, Group Head of Safety at Anglo American.Tony Brock has worked in high hazard industries for over 37 years, predominantly in Oil and Gas, latterly in Mining. He has a deep global operations, engineering, and executive management background, responsible for the management of major safety risks related to hydrocarbon and mineral processing, deep-water offshore operations, and major projects design and construction. He has been involved in the development of Operational Management and Risk Management systems following major accidents. He was a key member of BP’s internal investigation team into the tragic Deepwater Horizon incident. In 2010 he became a founder member of BP’s Safety and Operational risk organization, where he was the Head of Safety and Operational risk for BP’s Upstream business’s for over 10 years. During that time frame he was involved in the assessment and mitigation of numerous major accident and fatal risks, leading the development of risk management systems, tools and practices, and independently assuring and reporting the effectiveness of critical controls.

Tony is currently the Group Head of Safety at Anglo American, responsible for safety and operational risk management across the Anglo American Group. Tony is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and a Chartered Engineer. Tony started his career as Mining Engineering Graduate from the Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, joining BP as a Drilling Engineer in the UK offshore Sector of the North Sea in 1986.


Applying to the course

We accept enrollments until the offering reaches capacity, at which point we will maintain a waitlist. Many of the courses fill up several weeks in advance, so we advise that you enroll as early as possible to secure your seat.

You can begin the application process by using the red 'Enroll Now' bar at the bottom of the screen.

Gain your supervisor’s support
Here’s a letter you can edit and send to your supervisor to help you discuss your reasons for wanting to attend this course.


Have questions?

Contact us if you would like to speak with a program director or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions about our courses.

Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.


This course will help you

  • Develop a consistent language of risk and resiliency across your organization
  • Understand the underlying assumptions of your operating paradigm
  • Design processes that are robust and inject flexibility into your systems
  • Learn to identify the unconscious assumptions and irregular operations that can derail your efforts
  • Make your processes and operating paradigm more robustly and flexibly without losing efficiency
  • Understand the relationship between continuous improvement and systemic risk, and how to implement continuous improvement for greater organizational resiliency, and greater profits
  • Identify the right intervention points in your operations and supply chain to arrest and recover from evolving critical situations based on system thinking
  • Effectively select and implement new technologies to fundamentally change your organization’s productivity/risk curve

Sample Schedule—Subject to Change

This course is designed for senior executives who are currently engaged in or want to better understand systemic risk resistance and resilience. Ideal participants include:

  • C-suite executives and those reporting directly to the C-suite
  • Operational VPs and Directors
  • Executives with more than 10 years of experience who lead functions, geographies, units, and practice areas
Course Dates Format Location Duration Time Commitment Price
Nov 12-13, 2024 In Person Cambridge, MA 2 days 8 hours/day $4,700


Technology and Operations

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Organizations & Leadership

- Systems Thinking

Enroll Now!
