Becoming a More Digitally Savvy Board Member

Becoming a More Digitally Savvy Board Member

Item No. a056g00000WV2TMAA1
Course Dates Format Location Duration Time Commitment Price
Nov 6-8, 2024 In Person Cambridge, MA 3 days 8 hours/day $5,900
Apr 3-5, 2025 In Person Melbourne, Australia 3 days 8 hours/day $5,900


Digital Business

Certificate Credits

3.0 EEUs


- Digital Business & IT

- Organizations & Leadership

Course Highlights

  • Interactive application-focused program delivered over three days leveraging MIT faculty, guest speakers, case studies, and application exercises while providing ample opportunities for networking with peers
  • The course will help individual board directors and/or small teams from management boards increase their digital savviness and have more productive discussions around the opportunities and threats of the digital economy
  • You will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management


Featured Content


Why attend Becoming a More Digitally Savvy Board Member?

Digital transformation involves rethinking how technology can be used to improve business models, value proposition, customer experience, operational efficiency, and more. This means innovating to deliver enhanced products, services, and customer engagement, but also means having a board of directors that is digitally conversant.

Findings from recent MIT research show that board members who understand the impact of emerging technologies on business success are helping companies outperform competitors. Having a digitally savvy board is the new financial performance differentiator. Digitally savvy boards help their companies move forward at a sufficient pace, advocating for change by supporting and sometimes nudging their CEOs.

Conversely, when a board lacks digital savviness, it can’t get a handle on important elements of strategy and oversight, and thus can’t play its critical role of helping guide the company to a successful future.


Course Experience

The in-person program is three days in length and is designed to set the foundation for board members to increase digital savviness in themselves and their colleagues as well as to have more productive discussions around the opportunities and threats the digital economy presents for enterprises.

Drawing on MIT-research, the module includes case studies, interactive exercises, and discussions. It provides a definition of "future ready" and how to get there, how companies will make money going forward, the role of the board in digital transformation, and making change happen in large enterprises.

Guest Speaker

Shamim Mohammad is the Executive Vice President and Chief Information and Technology Officer at CarMax. He leads the strategic use of technology across the company, including digital innovations and product engineering, to deliver products and solutions that drive competitive advantages. He drives an entrepreneurial technology team and is known for growing and cultivating digital talent by fostering a culture of learning and innovation. Shamim is passionate about building organizational agility through the innovative use of technology.
He is a sought-after thought leader, speaker and has been quoted in national outlets such as Forbes, MIT Sloan Review, Harvard Business Review, and The Wall Street Journal. In 2021, Forbes featured him as one of the top 50 CIOs in the nation who are driving game-changing innovation. In 2020, MIT Sloan selected Shamim as the recipient of the CIO Leadership Award, which recognizes one CIO from around the world who leads their organizations to deliver exemplary levels of business value through innovative use of technology. 
Shamim began his career at a technology startup focusing on automating all aspects of small to mid-size retail businesses. Since then, he has served in various diverse strategic leadership roles in startup organizations and Fortune 500 companies across the retail, travel, hospitality, finance, and technology industries. Shamim serves on the board of UNFI (Fortune 150). UNFI is the largest distributor of organic & natural foods in North America. Shamim earned his MBA from Northwestern University (Kellogg). He holds a BS in Computer Science. He is a registered CPA in Illinois. 

Applying to the Course

We accept enrollments until the offering reaches capacity at which point we will maintain a waitlist. Many of the courses fill up several weeks in advance, so we advise that you enroll as early as possible to secure your seat.

You can begin the application process by using the red "Enroll Now" bar at the bottom of the screen.


Have Questions?

Contact Us if you would like to speak with a program director or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions about our courses.


Please note, the faculty and guest speakers teaching in this program are subject to change based on the location of program delivery. 

Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.


Participants of this program will:

  • Become more digitally savvy from strategic, technological, and enterprise perspectives.
  • Earn an MIT digital savvy board member certificate.
  • Become a more effective director as your company transforms to succeed in the digital era.
  • Collaborate with directors from all over the world.
  • Learn how to ask the right questions.

Sample Schedule—Subject to Change

This course is designed for leaders and board members of large enterprises. We highly recommend sending a team so that the individuals can develop a shared language and understanding of the digital concepts.

Course Dates Format Location Duration Time Commitment Price
Nov 6-8, 2024 In Person Cambridge, MA 3 days 8 hours/day $5,900
Apr 3-5, 2025 In Person Melbourne, Australia 3 days 8 hours/day $5,900


Digital Business

Certificate Credits

3.0 EEUs


- Digital Business & IT

- Organizations & Leadership

Enroll Now!
